The Cuddles

Sasso Bianco does not cease to amaze you.. we have studied how to let our guests experience what relaxation and taking care of yourself after a long day actually means.
Just for you: our Jacuzzi and a selection of extra fine tea to taste.
Ionic Jacuzzi:
Immerse yourself in our large tub and abandon yourself into pure relaxation; let the whirlpool dissolve the tensions accumulated during the day and feel regenerated! there is nothing better.
Tea Time:
Why give up the 17.00 tea habit, especially when you have the opportunity to taste some unique blends? We are ready to delight your palate with a selection of some exquisite exotic teas not easily available on the market. You will be able to choose from at least 8 different types of tea, such as the bio Purifying Herbal tea, the bio-infused Strawberry Cheescake, the Dream of the Orient or the Buddha Flower-white tea. Imagine yourself sipping your tea in the garden or on the terrace overlooking the lake or maybe in winter comfortably sitting on the sofa in front of the fireplace.
Please note that both are subject to an extra fee.
If it is your birthday, please let us know; we will be pleased to offer you a small gift to celebrate the occasion.

Cuddles details

B&B il Sasso Bianco 

Via Streccione 3 – 21025 Comerio (VA)  Tel. 03321507080

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